Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Dr. West speaks

Most of you who know anything about me know that I am a big fan of Dr. Cornel West and his literature. It is always interesting for me to read a person's writings and also be able to see them speak their mind. The process of producing words is quite different when spoken and written. I have supplied here some links to some of the best short videos of Dr. West I have found online so far. God bless the internet. Check them out if you've got a minute to watch a brilliant man (and Toni Morrison, too!) speak on the essential.


This is a 3:34 clip of Dr. West speaking about Barack Obama's accountability and his notable absence from Tavis Smiley's Covenant with Black America Conference:

Watch the clip here

This is an episode of the Tavis Smiley Show (PBS), which features Dr. West. It is 24 minutes, and they cover just about everything. This was my introduction to Dr. West:

Watch the show here

A one-minute clip of Dr. West with Toni Morrison, discussing Jesus as part of the Roman empire, and how his story is relevant to us, as part of the American empire:

Watch it here!

This one is a clip from the same seminar as the one above, and features Toni Morrison more than Dr. West, but a very important piece of understanding is shared, and you can see that even Dr. West is a bit blown away by it. It regards the American reaction to 9/11:

Watch Toni & Dr. West here

I hope you appreciate the videos! There are always more if you search under Google video. Most are longer, so I didn't include them this time. But see for yourself!

1 comment:

Ben Coogan said...

this post has to do with the first clip.

barack obama missing that conference caused some controversy among the black community. here is a link to a letter that was widely circulated on the internet. it is a response. called "On Barack: An Open Letter and Invitation to Thoughtful Brothers and Sisters In America"

i thought it was interesting.
